
The user should grant authorization to allow smart contracts (including precompiled ones) to send messages on behalf of a user account. This is achieved by the Authorization.sol and GenericAuthorization.sol that provide the necessary functions to grant approvals and allowances. The precompiled contracts use these interfaces, AuthorizationI and GenericAuthorizationI, to allow users to approve the corresponding messages and amounts if needed.

Solidity Interfaces


Find the Solidity interface in the evmos/extensions repo.


Find the Solidity interface in the evmos/extensions repo.



  • approve

    Approves a list of Cosmos or IBC transactions with a specific amount of tokens

    function approve(
            address spender,
            uint256 amount,
            string[] calldata methods
        ) external returns (bool approved);
  • increaseAllowance

    Increase the allowance of a given spender by a specific amount of tokens for IBC transfer methods or staking

    function increaseAllowance(
            address spender,
            uint256 amount,
            string[] calldata methods
        ) external returns (bool approved);
  • decreaseAllowance

    Decreases the allowance of a given spender by a specific amount of tokens for IBC transfer methods or staking

    function decreaseAllowance(
            address spender,
            uint256 amount,
            string[] calldata methods
        ) external returns (bool approved);


  • approve

    Approves a list of Cosmos message

    function approve(
            address spender,
            string[] calldata methods
        ) external returns (bool approved);



  • allowance

    Returns the remaining number of tokens that the spender will be allowed to spend on behalf of the owner through IBC transfer methods or staking. This is zero by default

    function allowance(
            address owner,
            address spender,
            string calldata method
    ) external view returns (uint256 remaining);



  • Approval

    This event is emitted when the allowance of a spender is set by a call to the approve method. The value field specifies the new allowance and the methods field holds the information for which methods the approval was set.

    event Approval(
            address indexed owner,
            address indexed spender,
            string[] methods,
            uint256 value
  • AllowanceChange

    This event is emitted when the allowance of a spender is changed by a call to the decrease or increase allowance method. The values field specifies the new allowances and the methods field holds the information for which methods the approval was set.

    event AllowanceChange(
            address indexed owner,
            address indexed spender,
            string[] methods,
            uint256[] values


  • Approval

    This event is emitted when the allowance of a spender is set by a call to the approve method. The methods field holds the information for which methods the approval was set.

    event Approval(
            address indexed owner,
            address indexed spender,
            string[] methods

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